Mark Angel: 🗣️“I gave Denilson a chance to ask for any amount of money from me so I could settle him. In front of Lucky Udu,

Nigerian content creator and poverty campaigner Lucky Udu has been dragged into the Denilson Igwe and Mark Angel brouhaha.

Mark Angel: 🗣️“I gave Denilson a chance to ask for any amount of money from me so I could settle him. In front of Lucky Udu, he told me he needed his house rent. It's true that we started the whole Mark Angel Comedy thing together, but it was I who had to work very hard to push the brand to what it is today.

Denilson left because he felt I wasn't giving him enough money, and when he came back, I had already made the brand big. I'm ready to settle him, but he can't come back as a shareholder of Mark Angel Comedy because it's now my business. There were times when I would call him to send him money, and he would tell me he's doing okay, and I would believe him. He can't come now and say I wasn't there for him.”

Lucky Udu:🗣️ “Mark, you're a billionaire. Denilson started everything with you. You were living together, and he was washing your clothes. How do you feel now that you're so rich, and the people who started everything with you can't afford their rents or even feed themselves?”

Mark Angel: “I can't carry everyone we started this thing with along. At some point, he had to find his own way.”

This exchange was revealed by Lucky Udu. The picture they took together was at the time when Denilson explained everything to Lucky Udu, and they called Mark so they could sort things out amicably. 

Mark agreed they started it together but believes he had to work hard for Mark Angel Comedy to become what it is today.

This story is interesting.

Check the video in the comment section 👇🏽
