Image result for HOW TO CONTACT FIFA PLAYER AGENT AND CHIEF SCOUTGo to www, then scroll down to your left and click player agents. The entire fifa player agents will come out for you in their alphabetical order with their phone numbers plus email. Then introduce yourself like this, I am Mr. James Erim,  am a football scout from Nigeria, I have some good players I want to arrange trials for, please note that our video production in Nigeria is very bad, I will send you the C.V of my players. Thanks for your understanding and co-operation. One of the easiest ways to get their attention is by calling them or referring them to your site. You need to have a website where you refer them to; you can put all the picture of your player in the site for them to view plus the profile of each player. I have include the sample of profile should look like. Also to contact chief scout from club visit the following website, click on it you will see all chief scout names ready to help you out, go to Google type Chelsea, man utd, arsenal, Everton, fulham, Liverpool  football chief scout,  write down there names visit face book, twitter and my space type the following names of d scout  and add them as friends list beginning to chat with them.


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